Same Day Delivery

Whether you have a scheduled pick-up or an On-Demand request, the team members at Vital-Pak are here to help under any circumstances. Call toll free 855-VITAL PAK (855-848-2572) to discuss your courier requirements with a Logistics Coordinator or simply click the QUICK QUOTE button below and a team member will contact you.

Route Services

Whether it's coordinating inter-office mail, picking up mail from your PO Box, or completing routine deliveries to and from clients, allow the couriers of Vital-Pak handle these mundane tasks. Please call toll free 855-VITAL PAK (855-848-2572) to speak with a Route Specialist or email us at:

Order Fulfillment & Warehousing

The Vital-Pak Corporation has become a key logistics provider in the fulfillment, kitting, storage and value added arenas. Strategically located in the Chicagoland area (Midwest), we are a smart solution for housing and shipping your valuable products at very economic rates with average 1-3 day shipping times to most states domestically.

For more information :  Chicago Order Fulfillment and Warehousing

Same Day Deliveries - Call 855-VITAL PAK

Delivery Services Offered

On Demand: 1-2 Hour Delivery - Direct Shot

Standard: 2-4 Hour

Ecomomy: By 5 pm

Hot Shot: Long Distance - Direct - No Stops

Route Services

Use your time wisely, especially that of your employees. Allow our trusted and secure couriers handle your daily mundane tasks.

  • PO Box Retrievel
  • Inter-Office Mail
  • Daily or Weekly Routine Deliveries

Call toll free 855-872-5669 or click the link below.

Order Fulfillment and Warehousing

We pride ourselves as being one of Chicagoland's key order fulfillment ship centers. Located strategically outside of Chicago, and within 15 minutes of 2 major International Airports, and 3 Major Carrier hubs, our Ship Centers have extensive capabilities to manage your order requirements second to none. If you'd like to discuss your storage and fulfillment needs, call and ask for our Order Fulfillment department at 855-872-5669


Call for Quick Quote Now or Click the Quotation Link ------>

855-872-5669 or 855-VPAK-NOW